Fear the Deer, the Bucks looked very undervalued to start the season
Last season was a breakthrough year for the Milwaukee Bucks (46-36) as they finished second in the Central Division and sixth in the Eastern Conference. The Bucks were knocked out of the playoffs in round one, losing to the Hawks four games to three. It was quite a year, partly thanks to breakthrough performances by Andrew Bogut and Luke Ridnour. The Bucks were a major surprise last year. What will they do for an encore?

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Although the Bulls added a ton of talent in the offseason, Rose taking the next step to super star is what Bulls fans are expecting
Training camps have begun and tip-off is less than a month away, so it’s time to preview the upcoming NBA season. With all the movement in the offseason it is likely that some new teams will rise to the tops of their divisions. Let’s take a look at the Central Division.  All odds according to Pinnacle and Bodog Sportsbook.

Continue reading “2010 NBA Central Division Betting Odds & Preview”

At 18 to 1 Durant and the Thunder offer lots of value in the NBA futures market
Here is an early look at the NBA futures betting market.  Best Odds, Best Bets (Other than Miami or LA Lakers):  All odds taken from Bodog.

Continue reading “NBA Futures Betting: Best Long Shot Bets & NBA Picks”

I really don’t understand the Bucks. They traded away Richard Jefferson, so they have a lack of scoring to make up. They drafted a point guard, so they have some depth there. So what did they do? Offered a contract to their free agent point guard and not the solid scoring threat. Ramon Sessions will likely be back with the team, but Charlie Villanueva has been cut loose. Very bizarre. I was certain that it was going to go the other way. It looks like things could end up very well for Villanueva – he looks like he will take he mid-level exception in Cleveland.

Continue reading “Tuesday Quick Hits”

The Bucks didn’t stop their wheeling and dealing, and they made a move I am a big fan of. They sent Fabricio Oberto and his serviceable contract to Detroit for Amir Johnson. The Pistons had no room for Johnson, but he’s a player I really like. When he did find a few minutes to play he made the most of them. He’s a good shot blocker and surprisingly good at stealing the ball, and he can score and rebound as well. He’ll take some of the pressure off of CharlieVillanueva, and he gives the Bucks some flexibility if they can’t or don’t want to afford Villanueva next year. This move makes the Jefferson deal look even better in my eyes than it did yesterday.

Continue reading “Wednesday Afternoon Notes”

I find something poetic about trades that help both teams get better – even if I don’t really care about either team involved. that’s definitely the case in the NBA today. The Spurs found a way to get much more competitive next year, and the Bucks sacrificed some scoring now for some real payroll flexibility next year, and they added some real veteran presence in the meantime. If you missed the deal, the Spurs picked up Richard Jefferson, and in exchange they gave up Bruce Bowen, Kurt Thomas, and Fabricio Oberto.

Continue reading “Spurs Get Better, Bucks Might Too”

Most of the dust has cleared from signing day, and we have a pretty good sense of how things will turn out. As a Michigan fan I am reasonably pleased – we lost two defensive ends that we needed, but we gained three players we weren’t supposed to get including a promising QB prospect in Denard Robinson and a nice receiver. Given that we went an incredibly lousy 3-9 last year this is one heck of a class. We should end up about 7th overall. Rich Rodriguez never had a class at West Virginia anywhere near this strong, so I am feeling good. Hope things went as well for you and your team. Unless you like Ohio State, in which case I hope none of your recruits qualify academically, your current players all quit, and you are forced to use the tuba players in your band as the offensive line, and the drum major at QB.

Continue reading “Wednesday Notes”

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